COVID-19 Plan

COVID-19 has affected the way that we conduct business. A photography session is a very personal and intimate experience. We want to make sure that we keep you and our photographers safe. We have implemented the following measures to ensure everyone's safety.

  • Screening measures - 24 hours before your photoshoot, we will ask you to fill out a questionnaire. The questionnaire will help us asses the risk that may be involved.
  • Cleaning and sanitation - Before your photoshoot, we will clean and sanitize all of our equipment with alcohol wipes. This ensures that nothing is transferred between shoots. Once the equipment has been sanitized, it will be stored in their storage containers until the arrival to your photoshoot. Upon arrival, and before touching our equipment, we will sanitize our hands with alcohol based hand sanitizer. We expect you to do the same as well.
  • Physical distancing - We will not come within 6 feet of you, and we expect you to physical distance as well.
  • Masks - Masks will be worn by our photographers for the entire photoshoot. We expect you to wear a mask when not being photographed.
  • No physical delivery - we have suspened all of our printing services and offers of other physical mediums (USB sticks, discs, etc.). All photos will be delivered digitally via file sharing/internet.\
  • Location - All photoshoots will take place outside.

We thank you for following our COVID-19 protocols. By doing so, you help stop the spread of COVID-19. These protocols will be in place until the Provincial Health Officer deems otherwise.

2020 Northern Moments Photography & Videography. Part of The Spruce Tree Media Ltd. Network.
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